Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to school

Tanner and Courtney started school yesterday. They reluctantly let me take a picture of them before they left. Court even showed off her Spiderman backpack. I really started to miss them when 3:00 rolled around and still nobody home. Courtney has volleyball practice right after school and doesn't get done until 5:30 and Tanner started his new job and doesn't get home until 7:00. So, needless to say, I need to find some hobbies, take some classes or get a part-time job.


  1. You should take some classes! Some fun ones like a cooking class, sewing class, scrapbooking or even like photography! Don't get a job or else you won't be able to come visit me or when I visit you youll be so busy!

  2. Yea classes would be fun! Or a part time job that you can take time off easy! ha.. I love you and wish you lived close so I can see you lots!
